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FREE! eLearning Consortium of Colorado eConference

الأربعاء، 15 أبريل


Virtual eConference

The 2020 eLCC Annual Conference will be in a virtual format this year. We hope you will join us for three exciting days of collaboration, technology, and learning!

Registration is Closed
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FREE! eLearning Consortium of Colorado eConference
FREE! eLearning Consortium of Colorado eConference

الوقت والموقع

15 أبريل 2020، 8:00 ص غرينتش-6 – 17 أبريل 2020، 3:00 م غرينتش-6

Virtual eConference

نبذة عن الحدث

Join us at the 2020 eLCC Annual (VIRTUAL) Conference! We are taking the conference online this year in a virtual format which is FREE to everyone! We hope you will join all the eLCC member institutions virtually April 15 - 17, 2020. Schedule and other conference information to be released soon. We are accepting proposals for the virtual conference posters still and registration is also open!



شارِك هذا الحدث

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