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Protecting Your Faith and Identity from Narcissistic Clergy and Wannabe Cult Leaders

Writer's picture: Dr. Darren M. SladeDr. Darren M. Slade

Ideally, having some form of spirituality is meant to bring a sense of peace to your life, so it's disheartening to know that so many religious ministries are run by bona fide narcissistic abusers who exploit people's beliefs in order to manipulate and control them. These individuals systematically drain the life out of religious faith, replacing themselves at the center of people's identity. In this post, we will delve into some of the insidious tactics that can destroy your faith, identity, and overall well-being.

No, Not Everyone is a Narcissist

In the last several years, it sure seems like there's been an uptick in "pseudo-clinical talk" where everyone and their mom incorrectly applies psychological terms to the people they don't like. The term "narcissist" is one of those terms, often used to describe anyone displaying fairly routine (albeit, disagreeable) behavior. However, a bona fide narcissist goes beyond simple self-centeredness or arrogance; it refers to a specific personality disorder known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). So, it's important first to understand the true nature of a narcissist before exploring the tactics they use on congregations.

What is Narcissism?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, an insatiable desire for attention and praise, a belief in their own superiority, and an almost total lack of empathy for others. Former President Donald Trump is a perfect example of a "malignant narcissist." They often exploit and manipulate others in order to achieve their grandiose objectives.

Narcissists tend to believe that they are unique, exceptional, and entitled to special treatment. Hence, they may perceive themselves as being above the law where the ends will almost always justify the means.

Trivializing Narcissism

Overusing the term "narcissist" in contexts where it doesn't apply is actually quite counterproductive because it diminishes the significance of NPD as a genuine mental health disorder. Labeling everyone we don't like as a "narcissist" is not only factually inaccurate, but it also robs the term of its potency. It would be like misapplying the label "serial killer" to wildlife hunters. An actual serial killer is dangerous and should have limited opportunities to harm others. But a regular quarry hunter, though you may find their behavior objectionable, is not necessarily a danger to society.

Like the label "serial killer," if someone is a bona fide narcissist who is unwilling to get professional help, then drawing attention to this fact should act as a red flag for others to stay away from that person because they are potentially dangerous. But calling every rude or egotistical person a "narcissist" trivializes those warning signs and makes people numb to paying heed. So when this blog post describes the "narcissistic" religious abuser below, we are using it in its proper clinical context.

Why do Narcissists Join the Clergy?

It doesn't take a genius to realize that professional ministry, in every religion and in every denomination, becomes a petri dish for corruption and abuse. In many ways, the reason for this is that genuine narcissists are drawn to certain professions, such as law enforcement and professional ministry, due to the opportunities these roles present for power, control, and admiration. These professions can provide narcissists with platforms to exploit others and fulfill their insatiable need for attention and validation.

For example, law enforcement attracts narcissists due to the inherent authority and control it offers them. In positions of power, they can exert dominance over others and indulge in their desire for control and manipulation. The ability to exercise influence over people's lives serves as a powerful means for narcissists to feed their ego and assert superiority. Plus, much of society admires cops so much (almost to the point of worshipping them!), that they can bathe in (and capitalize on) people's attention and praise.

The same is true for those in "professional ministry" (our term for any religious leader of any faith). Professional ministry provides narcissists with an ideal platform to fulfill their need for admiration and worship. Within religious communities, these individuals can position themselves as spiritual authorities, using their charisma to manipulate and exploit the faith of others. Their self-assured demeanor and persuasive communication skills make it easier for them to create a devoted following, allowing them to fashion the congregation's spirituality in their own image.

And because there are no actual checks and balances within ministry, these charismatic personalities quickly rise through the ranks into leadership positions. Once they do, narcissists gain access to vulnerable individuals who may be seeking guidance and support. Exploiting the emotional needs of these individuals allows narcissists to establish control and cultivate a following that they can then manipulate for personal gain, often behind a façade of altruism and devotion to a higher cause.

15 Warning Signs to Recognize

  • 1) Polarizing Perspectives: At the core of religious abuse lies the divisive tactic of categorizing people into two groups: those who align with the narcissist's spiritual beliefs and those who don't. Their judgment reigns supreme, rendering your personal opinion irrelevant.

  • 2) Derision of Alternatives: In their bid to maintain loyalty, narcissists demean and prejudice people against alternative worldviews. They instill fear in you, making you wary of questioning the leader's dictates. "If the Bible says it, then that settles it!"

  • 3) The Exclusivity Game: As manipulation intensifies, narcissists develop an elitist demeanor, isolating themselves from those they consider impure or unholy. They expect you to do the same and condemn those who resist. This tactic is especially prevalent against detractors and apostates, who leave the leader's congregation.

  • 4) Demanding Unwavering Adherence: Total submission without question becomes the narcissist's primary desire where all dissent is met by threats of abandonment or dissolution of the relationship entirely, leaving no room for your own personal autonomy. This is why it's important to ask continually, "Am I still in control of my own decisions or are the decisions being made for me?"

  • 5) Enforcing Compliance: Narcissists enforce strict obedience using spiritual, physical, emotional, and verbal discipline. Tactics like name-calling, chastising, shunning, shaming, and giving the silent treatment coerce congregants into compliance.

  • 6) Hunger for Public Adulation: Private dominance will not suffice for long; narcissists crave public adoration. They enforce adherence to a carefully crafted image, severely punishing any challenges to their "good-guy" façade. Be on the lookout for a minister who wants to become a minor celebrity.

  • 7) Imposing Labels and Instilling Fear: Narcissists will weaponize concepts like sin and righteousness by labeling dissenters as disobedient, rebellious, lacking faith, or even enemies of God, fostering fear both within and outside their congregation. Placing people in easy, black-and-white categories keeps the sheep focused on wolves and not on the shepherd leading them to the slaughter.

  • 8) The Spotlight of Perfection: Religious activities, like attending church or small groups and going on mission trips, are subject to extreme demands and rigid expectations. Striving for perfection to impossible standards of "righteous living" will leave no room for congregants to express their authentic emotions. And that's the point. This particular tactic needs further elaboration:

    1. Emphasizing Spiritual Performance: Narcissists place significant importance on public displays of spirituality. They expect their congregants to always appear devout, happy, and enthusiastic about their religious practices, creating an illusion of complete devotion to the faith ... and its "spokesmen."

    2. Maintaining Their Image: By enforcing an image of perfection and happiness, the narcissist projects an idealized version of themselves as a true spiritual leader and role model. They rely on the admiration and praise they receive from others who prop up this idealized image.

    3. Suppressing Authentic Emotions: Congregants are discouraged from expressing genuine emotions, especially negative ones like doubt, sadness, or grief. Any display of vulnerability or emotional struggle is a sign of a weak leader or a toxic faith. So, congregants are told to "fake it until you make it."

    4. Isolating Believers: By setting unrealistic expectations, the narcissist creates an environment where people feel isolated and ashamed of their inability to meet the lofty standards. This isolation reinforces the narcissist's control, as victims become increasingly dependent on the group's approval and validation.

    5. Fueling Dependence: Congregants may start seeking the narcissist's approval as a way to feel worthy of God's love. This dependency often comes in the form of coerced volunteering (e.g., teaching Sunday school, helping out in the daycare, singing in the choir), which allows the narcissist to tighten their grip on the person's spiritual journey, ensuring they retain power and control over other people's lives.

  • 9) Micromanaging Trivialities: Narcissists enforce strict adherence to inconsequential rules and regulations, wielding severe discipline or excommunication as punishment for any non-compliance. When believers inevitably fail to meet the unrealistic expectations of the religion, narcissists guilt-trip, shame, or subject congregants to harsh punishment in order to divert criticism away from the toxic environment.

  • 10) Secrets and Selectivity: Narcissists hoard information, revealing it only to a chosen few they deem worthy. This secrecy further isolates congregants from each other and limits their access to diverse perspectives. Congregational mutiny can't happen if the congregation is divided amongst themselves.

  • 11) Surrendering to Authority: Questioning the narcissist is akin to questioning the very essence of God. Their dominance replaces your spirituality, and they expect you to view their words and decisions as somehow divinely inspired. Not only do you lose bodily autonomy in the process, but you're also willing to lose your mental capacity for critical thinking.

  • 12) Exploiting Religious Power: Leveraging their religious authority, narcissists often manipulate situations for personal (usually financial) gain. Does your pastor need a new motorcycle to get around? Does your rabbi want an extravagant-looking shul or mappah? Does your imam insist on upgrading to a bigger sahn property with an even larger ablutions fountain? The size and splendor of the leader's domain is really about stroking their ego, not building God's kingdom.

  • 13) The Ends Justifying the Means: Narcissists may resort to criminal actions or cover-up transgressions in the name of religion, believing they are above the laws that govern others. The leader and his deputies feel justified in bending the rules because God has given them a special calling to change the world.

  • 14) Estranged from Loved Ones: Narcissists ensure your complete isolation by severing ties with extended family and friends outside the religion, perfecting shunning and alienation techniques in the process. Traveling out of state or out of the country on a mission trip is a perfect way to keep congregants wholly dependent on the in-group for survival.

  • 15) The Erosion of Self: Finally, the relentless abuse can lead congregants to question their very identity and even abandon the pursuit of personal happiness altogether due to the narcissist's behavior. They give up what was once most important to them all for the sake of "putting God first." This is why it's important to ask yourself, "When am I the happiest, and are my religious leaders allowing me to be happy?"

Recognizing these tactics of religious abuse is crucial to safeguarding people's spirituality and emotional well-being. It's important for people to be vigilant to the toxic those petri dishes within professional ministry and to protect themselves from those who would seek to exploit their religious faith.

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11 commenti

Ted Campbell
Ted Campbell
15 hours ago

I completely agree that when leaders in religious communities act like narcissists.

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