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Preserving Holocaust Memory

It's essential to ensure that future generations understand the immense tragedy that occurred and the devastating consequences of hatred, bigotry, and discrimination.

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Why is Holocaust Memory research important?

  • From a historical perspective, it is important to preserve Holocaust Memory in order to honor the victims and ensure that their stories are not forgotten. It is also important to understand the facts and figures of the Holocaust in order to prevent similar atrocities from occurring in the future.

  • From a philosophical perspective, it is important to remember the Holocaust in order to reflect on the human cost of such events and the need to develop understanding and tolerance between different people.

  • From an artistic viewpoint, it is important to remember the Holocaust in order to appreciate the creative expression of Holocaust survivors and their descendants who have found ways to express their suffering and resilience. Art can be a powerful tool for preserving memory, as it can immortalize and humanize the victims of the Holocaust in ways that cannot be done through words alone.

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We reached out to top experts in the field including:​​

  • specialists

  • scholars

  • educators

  • philosophers

  • historians

  • researchers

  • professors and

  • survivors

and invited them to come together to present their research, knowledge and experiences and contribute to a comprehensive forum about the implications and methods for preserving Holocaust Memory

In this international and interdisciplinary virtual library, you will have access to 25+ hours of downloadable on-demand content from prestigious world scholars to advance your understanding of Holocaust Memory.

Our presenters are representative of a variety of faith and scholastic backgrounds offering valuable insight into addressing the topic of preserving Holocaust Memory.

Explore Some of the Presenters and Topics We Offer:

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