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Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 14, 20204 min read
Victimizing the Flock: What Sex Assault Victims Mean for Christianity
If there was ever a sign that something drastic needs to change with Christianity, it is the countless instances of sex assault.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 12, 20202 min read
As Pastors Get Older, Churches Start to Die
There's a direct correlation between the age of the pastor and the age of the congregants who attend church every week.

David Kyle Johnson
Feb 11, 202011 min read
Can God's Existence Be Disproven?
It is possible to 100% prove that God doesn’t exist?

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 10, 20201 min read
Apply for the Resident Scholars Program and Get Paid to Conduct and Publish Your Research!
GCRR Resident Scholars are paid $250 to conduct unique research in the study of religion, which is then published in SHERM journal.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 7, 20201 min read
Apply to be an Officer in the GCRR Academic Society!
Every four years, the Global Center for Religious Research (GCRR) must seek replacements for certain executive positions.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 5, 202029 min read
Correlation is Not Causation: Why Theology is Not What Makes Churches Grow
The idea that liberal theologies cause a deterioration in mainline Protestantism, while conservative theologies produce growth, is wrong.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Feb 3, 20201 min read
Publish Your Book with GCRR Press!
Publish your book with GCRR Press and receive up to 20% of all book sales.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Jan 31, 20206 min read
Study Finds Christians Do Not Have Meaningful Contact with Atheists, Muslims, or LGBTQ+ Community
Dr. Merino's study found that the majority of church-going Christians do not have regular or meaningful contact with marginalized groups.

David Kyle Johnson
Jan 29, 20207 min read
Guilt by Association in the Age of Trump
Defense of my choice to sign the GCR "Open Letter to Evangelicals of Moral Conscience" by arguing evangelicals are guilty by association.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Jan 27, 20202 min read
Call for Submissions: Violence in Art Book
GCRR is currently seeking written or visual submissions to be anthologized in a bound publication on violence in art.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Jan 25, 20201 min read
Open Letter to Conscientious Evangelicals: Your Silence is Complicity! End the Trump Cult!
Open Letter to Evangelicals: a number of biblical scholars and other academics have signed an open letter denouncing evangelical leaders.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Jan 24, 20207 min read
What is Onto-Theology and the Metaphysics of Presence?
From a postmodern perspective, classical theology is beleaguered with the concept that reality possesses an objective and universal meaning.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Jan 22, 20201 min read
Excerpt from "Striking Vipers and Closed Doors: How Meaningful Are Sexual Fantasies?"
Black Mirror episode, Striking Vipers, challenges the socially constructed boundaries imposed on sexual experiences.

Dr. Darren M. Slade
Jan 19, 20201 min read
Call for Submissions: Jewish Perspectives on the New Testament Gospel of John
SHERM is planning to release a supplemental issue devoted entirely to the topic of Jewish Perspectives on the New Testament Gospel of John.
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